HandyMike’s experienced and skilled team are ready to help solve your problems! 

HandyMike Charlottesville, Virginia



Jake Farruggio

Apprentice Carpenter


Jake was born and raised in the City of Charlottesville.  He is truly our youngest full-time team member, but don’t let his age fool you—he is a confident and accomplished apprentice. Jake catches-on and learns very quickly and is teamed up with Miles, a college grad carpenter.

Mike Farruggio



I have been working with my hands since I was 8 years old and doing carpentry since I was 15 years old. My dad was a steam fitter (a type of specialist plumber) and diesel mechanic. As the oldest, and one of four sons, he taught me a lot about mechanics and working with my hands. I went to tech school for carpentry at Freeport (NY) High School. When I graduated, I wanted to serve in the military, like my father before me. I remember watching the first Shuttle mission launch in April of 1981 and thinking about becoming a pilot. So I tested for and was able to join the Air Force. After four years service, I moved back to Freeport and went back into construction. Since I couldn’t get in the carpentry union, and I wanted a pension, instead I became a NYPD officer for 2 years. I then moved to Charlottesville and became an officer here, where I served 25 additional years. Towards the end of my career, I was heavily involved in our/the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association serving as President for two years, and I served on the Charlottesville Planning Commission, as well. I loved our City and Neighborhood so much that I even ran for City Council.
In the past 15 years I’ve put two additions on my own house (2000 and 2010) as well as one on my brother’s house (2015). I’ve had a handyman business twice, once in 1990 and now as HandyMike, which I’ve been operating full time since 2015. I have a large Italian family and I tend to think of my customers as my brothers or sisters, giving them my personal attention and ideas. I have five kids, ranging from 18 to 35, as of this writing (2020). I am married to Jan Farruggio who has been a professional 911 dispatcher for 30 years. My goal is to grow HandyMike to serve our community and its employees for the greater Charlottesville Area.

Stephanie Offman

Office Manager


Stephanie was born in New York and raised in Albemarle County. She has worked as a school teacher for 7 years but made the move to HandyMike after her second child was born in 2020. She keeps all the skids greased, the work on time, and the men in line—especially HandyMike! When you get an email, she likely wrote it! Stephanie lives in town with her two children and husband.

HandyMike handyman service, Charlottesville, VA

HandyMike Team & Fleet


Mascot Extraordinaire